
Guernsey Funds Forum 2023

Time and Location

Thursday 11 May 2023 - London

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The next Guernsey Funds Forum will be held on Thursday 11 May 2023, and is titled ‘The Future of Funds’.

We are delighted to announce that British naturalist Steve Backshall MBE has been confirmed as the closing keynote speaker for the event.

Steve is a BAFTA award-winning wildlife expert boasting an impressive TV career with popular franchises such as Deadly 60 and more recently with Sky Nature for his new series 'Whale with Steve Backshall'. He is also the author of 13 books, as well as a proud ambassador for The Scouts.

Guernsey is globally recognised as a stable place to do business and is Europe’s leading private equity domicile. The island boasts five decades of experience as a mature financial services jurisdiction, proffering high standards and low regulatory costs.

The island’s success is built on its agility and nimbleness in responding to the demands and requirements from both investor and global standard setters, providing a flexible and responsive legal, regulatory and business environment for specialist fund managers and sophisticated administrators.

Attendees will be invited to take part in a series of masterclass sessions, providing insight into how various funds can be established. This will then be followed by two panel sessions.

The first panel will discuss first-time funds managers and emerging asset classes, considering the associated risks and rewards. The second will contemplate the topic of fund distribution and the hurdles faced in different geographic regions.

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