
Offshore Alert Conference Latin America

Time and Location

September 2021; Palácio Tangará Hotel; São Paulo, Brazil

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The OffshoreAlert Conference focuses on Financial Intelligence & Investigations, with an emphasis on Offshore Financial Centers.

The event brings together more than 300 investigators, providers, and buyers of high-value financial products and services, including fraud and asset recovery attorneys, insolvency practitioners, litigation funders, professional service providers, regulators, law enforcement, journalists, and others.
Conference Highlights
 250 Delegates
+ 40 Speakers
+ 30 Onshore & Offshore Jurisdictions
+ 16 Sessions, 2 Stages
+ 9 Hours of Networking
+ 2 Cocktail Receptions
Who Attends
+ Fraud Investigators
+ Asset Recovery Specialists
+ Insolvency Practitioners
+ Litigation Funders
+ Attorneys, Officers & Directors
+ Regulators & Law Enforcement
+ Bankers & Compliance Officers
+ International Media
+ Money Managers & Tax Advisors
When: September 14-15, 2020
Where: Palácio Tangará, Sāo Paulo, Brazil
Price: $645-$795 

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